79 TheCircle’s restaurant D esigned as an ideal space for multi-sensory gastronomic expe- riences, the ‘El Cercle’ restaurant is strategically located within the emblematic building, several of whose noble halls have been re- stored and beautifully brought up to day thanks to the experience of its newmanagers, JuliàCribero andAnaCalpe –great restauranteurs themselves–whoentrusted theproject to theveteranarchitect Alfredo Arribas. Thus, gastronomy and culture come together to offer the vis- itor the chance of an exclusive, almost clandestine, pleasure hidden away from jealous gazes in the heart of the city on one of its busiest and joyful streets, just by Plazade laCatedral. In itsvariousspaces the restaurant offersdifferent andalwayscareful- ly-chosen gastronomic options designed for the most refined tastes, but alwaysbrought together under theaegisof quality, innovationand glamour. Each roomhasmaintainedahistoric touch that seducesand invites one to escape and, ever faithful to itsmotto of essentiality and eclecticism, travel toother times of splendour andglory. There is ‘The Library’, is an intimateplace for confidants, where you can takes deli- catelyput-together traditional cuisine thanks to thepresenceof young talents in thekitchen that knowhow to reinterpret thepast andadapt it tomodern tastes. The old reading room, with views of thewine cellar and the kitchen, is flanked by four sculptures representing the four seasons. Inaddition, there is ‘TheBar’, for loversof thebest Japanese cuisine and ‘TheGarden’, as the fabulous terrace that surrounds the palacehasbeennamed, fromwhereyoucanenjoy thecomingsof go- ings of oneof the liveliest crossroads in thecitybothday andnight all year round thanks to the ever pleasant Barcelonaweather. Accessed from inside the building, the terrace is built on a Roman aquifer that appears tobe the oldest in thecity. This is serious, pretence-free cooking, where each dish deserves its own separate mention: the vitality of the essence of Mediterranean cuisine takesonflavours that comeout on thepalate, providingpleas- ant experiences; the secrets and cult recipes of the purest Japanese cuisine are perfectly drawn by the hand of chef Mitsutaka ‘Taka’ Ka- wata, andof course, thegorgeous final stopof thedessertswithSergi Pelaó in charge. The elegant terrace deserves a separate mention, accessed by a narrow Gothic vault door that seems to connect to ages: modernism andmodernity. A luxurious place to let time slip by when thehustleandbustleof thecity calms andanunexpectedquiet takes hold.