17 Haitz de Diego (Ondárroa-Biscay, 1979) has grown as an artist throughout his life, developing his skills and discovering new facets to expand his incessant creativity and artistic restlessness. He is currently very focused on his work as a pro- fessional painter, and is a prolific artist; his paint - ing is fresh and spontaneous, and usually starts out from something casual, after which he begins a rapid process of mental creation that culmi- nates in a work that is occasionally cryptic, with a great symbolic weight; perhaps that is why the initial intention usually gives way to something rather more complex and elaborate, which often the artist himself is not aware of; something that one might even say escapes his control, an enig- ma that brings value and frank beauty. The dynamism he shapes a project with, from its initial conception to its completion, is surprising. This is an unusually concise process. I am refer- ring to the moment in which the artist’s gaze gen- erates a conceptual reality of what he perceives: a very personal and detailed vision which, with an unexpected reliability, is captured —interpreted— on the canvas. The “illumination” is fleeting, tran - sient, and leaves behind it a very marked channel through which the occasionally turbid waters of his inspiration flow. This publication shows his journey and the cur- rent moment of his artistic unfolding process; but it also highlights what I consider makes him dif- ferent, what brings a clear distinction to his way of working and interpreting his environment. The intention of this presentation is to guide, to take the viewer by the hand to the pinnacle of sensory perception; to lead them to the height of sensory and spiritual shock. In other words, to allow the visual communication to flow cleanly and naturally, without apprehension or suspicion. Nothing more, nothing less. Beauty is part of the message contained in his works. And by that, I mean the expression “inner beauty” that was aptly coined by Arthur Coleman Danto (1924-2013), one of the great 20th-cen- tury American philosophers of art. Many of his works are emotionally beautiful. Little else mat- ters. Because beauty is not exclusively physical. It is powerful and overwhelming par excellence. And although in art what is really essential is its meaning and transcendence, when beauty pro- vides reasons, information; when it forms an inte - PRESENTATION Luisa Noriega Montiel THE VISION - Haitz de Diego