Haitz de Diego’s work is, from my point of view, a demonstration of true skill within the complex and al- ways abstruse panorama of contemporary art today. And I think so because for a long time —too long— we have tolerated the fact that the spaces tradi- tionally destined for the exhibition or sale of works of art have been filling up with crude banalities of little artistic value that nobody is interested in and that even fail to generate a sensation of emptiness, which would be something from an existential point of view. An unjustified complacency with a system of access that is too lax, where anything goes. This should not be the case. Art should symbolise, represent, or embody an emotion, because it is the purest means of transmitting that which the artist experiences and which disturbs him (what Clive Bell defined as “aesthetic emotion”). In Haitz de Diego’s work, emotion already appears long before the spectator is even aware of it, because each canvas is a revelation with infinite meanings. More focused on expression than on representation, he offers balanced, harmonious, and painstaking formats, where the inanimate is “spiritualised” in the manner of an altarpiece for devotees of the reconstruction of the symbol, of resurgence. His work is disturbing, disturbing, overwhelming, and very lyrical. But Haitz’s work also breathes no- bility and truth in its most poetic aspect. And if art is a constant and irremediable yearning for perfection and spiritual beauty, Haitz is the archi- tect of that catharsis. EPILOGUE Luisa Noriega Montiel CONTRAPORTADA Exquisito guiño romántico el de esta obra, cita a ciegas entre un tímido pulso romántico y una audaz aura de contemporaneidad. La pasión atormentada del movimiento original y su exaltación poética son ambas delicadamente desnudadas a través de la personalísima idealización que Haitz hace del hom- bre frente a la naturaleza, ante un paisaje más es- piritual que descriptivo, que muestra el hondo sentir del artista frente al mundo que le rodea. BACK COVER This work is an exquisite romantic wink, a blind date between a timid romantic pulse and an audacious aura of contemporaneity. The tormented passion of the original movement and its poetic exaltation are both delicately stripped bare through Haitz’s highly personal idealisation of man in the face of nature, in a landscape that is more spiritual than descriptive, displaying the artist’s profound feelings about the world around him. Top in sight (Aneto 3.404 m) , 2022 (Contraportada / Back cover) Acrílico sobre lienzo Acrylic on Canvas 80 cm x 100 cm 110