evokes and invokes at the same time, giving the image an unusual stillness —which is only apparent— and which incites one to meditate from within it, to try to find, to locate what it is that transcends the canvas and its time. They are spaces stripped inside and out, surprised interiors, bare, naked and worn walls, spectral reflections, intimate portraits of the soul endowed with a serene, veiled and cautious beauty. They are disturbing compositions that twist and turn between dream and wakefulness, between reality and chimera, between vague memory and lethargic illusion. Haitz is an artist of his time, with a great deal of skill, creator of an art that drinks from crystalline sources and is impregnated with something ancestral, almost atavistic. Curiously, the greatest value —also aesthetic— of a work of art, lies in all that which is indefinable, in its non-ostensible essence, in that which cannot be defined except through the finest intuition. Haitz’s work traces the human soul in eternal conflict. Like fragmented postcards of a past that today seems brittle and fragile, scenes that formed part of a yesterday, shaping a map that is only remote in appearance, because it is still here. Meanings? All of them. There is something invisible in every good work of art that pro - vokes a certain chaos, a certain confusion. It is the preamble to lucid vision, that which pierces the veil that the artist recreates to seduce the vision of the curious spectator. And Haitz is in himself something of a paradox. He is an artist with light who delights in travel- ling through nocturnal, dark or twilight scenes. A champion of contemporary chiaroscuro; of the confrontation between different universes; of ambiguity; of thaumaturgy. He sketches with determination, thus structuring the skeleton on which each of his new works will stand: the pillars on which a monumental tower of sensations rises with brush- strokes, each one more poetic, more evocative. An intoxicating dance that forces you to look, to dive in and let yourself be carried away by bursts of feelings lost in time, in all times. THE UNDERLYING STORY “It has been some years since Carl lost his wife and loneliness has darkened his soul. Now retired, he was a caretaker at the same school where the hustle and bustle used to be and which is now silent while waiting for classes to resume. Look out of the window at the robins and the first rays of light of a typical September day. In a little while, the merriment will return and, with it, memory and consolation”. LA HISTORIA SUBYACENTE «Hace ya unos años que Carl perdió a su mujer y la soledad oscureció su alma. Actualmente jubilado, fue conserje de esa misma escuela bulliciosa que ahora guarda silencio a la espera de que las clases se reanuden. Contempla a través de la ventana a los petirrojos y los primeros rayos de luz de un día cualquiera de septiembre. Dentro de poco volverá la algarabía y, con ella, el recuerdo y el consuelo».